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Lorain County Board of Elections
1985 North Ridge Rd. East - Lorain, OH 44055 - (440) 326-5900
Office hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Election Workers
Below you will find a brief overview of the positions available.
Work on one of the Monday Set-up Teams, Election Day or both.
To Apply: Press the PEO Application Form button at the bottom of this page.
You must be a U.S. citizen.
You must be registered to vote in Lorain County.
You must not have been convicted of a felony.
You cannot work on Election Day in precinct(s) in which you are running as a candidate.
All Election workers are required to attend a training session scheduled by Lorain County Board of Elections prior to the election.
You must show competence by passing an assessment after the training.
Title: Monday Set-up Team Worker Pay: $150.00
Set-up Team workers go out to each polling place to prepare them for Election Day voting.
Requirements for Set-up Team Members:
attend a 1 hour training.
report to Team Leader.
be available to work an average of 7 hours.
work assigned shift and be flexible with time changes.
lift up to 50 pounds.
physical ability to carry, open and set-up numerous Voting Units.
upon the instruction of a Team Leader, follow directions and read diagram of Polling Location.
Title: Poll Pad Official Pay: $200.00
The Poll Pad officials work on Election Day
Requirements for Poll Pad officials:
3 hour training.
work with a partner to focus on qualifying voters.
Identify acceptable forms of identification.
make sure each voter is professionally assisted through the qualifying process.
create a Ballot Card for each qualified voter.
perform all activities as assigned by Voting Location management team (VLM/AVLM).
assist with closing procedures at the close of polls.
Title: Voter Assistant Pay: $200.00
Voter Assistants work on Election Day
Requirements for Voter Assistants:
3 hour training.
direct voters to a Voting Unit.
once the voter has completed selections, guide or direct voter to Scanner.
thank voters and pass out stickers.
perform all activities as assigned by (VLM/AVLM).
assist with closing procedures at the close of polls.
Title: Help Desk Official Pay: $200.00
Help Desk Officials work on Election Day
Requirements for Help Desk Officials:
3 hour training.
work with a partner to help a variety of voters
perform all activities as assigned by (VLM/AVLM).
provide individualized attention to the specific circumstances of certain voters.
work with a member of the Management team to determine the best course of action. However, final determination will be made by a member of the Management team.
Title: Bilingual Precinct Election Official Pay: $240.00
Bilingual Precinct Election Officials work on Election Day
Requirements for Bilingual Precinct Election Officials:
3 hour training.
attend an additional 1 hour training.
must have the ability to read and speak Spanish and English fluently.
provide assistance to Spanish-speaking voters with limited English proficiency.
translate voting instructions.
ensure Spanish-language tools are visible in the location and accessible to Spanish-speaking voters.
perform all activities as assigned by a Voting Location management team.
Title: Field Technician Pay: Varies
Technicians work on Election Day
Requirements for Technician:
attend a 2 hour training.
serve as technical resources to resolve issues.
travel to various Vote Centers.
lift up to 45 pounds.
physical ability to shut down and carry Voting Units.
assist with problems related to the voting process.
safeguard sensitive documents and supplies.
deliver election-related materials to Vote Centers.
ensure that the Election process is handled in an orderly, professional, and lawful manner
Title: Polling Place Evening Worker Pay: $100.00
Polling Place Evening Workers assist with Election Day equipment and supplies.
Requirements for Polling Place Evening Workers:
arrive at the Lorain County Board of Elections by 6:15 p.m. on Election Day for training.
remain available typically 2.5 hours.
travel to assigned Polling Location (must provide own transportation)
lift up to 50 pounds.
physical ability to shut down and carry Voting Units.