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Lorain County Board of Elections
1985 North Ridge Rd. East - Lorain, OH 44055 - (440) 326-5900
Office hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Office will be closed Monday, Feb. 17 (Presidents' Day)
Helpful Voter Links & E-mail
Did you know answers to most voter questions can now be found on our website? Review the following and see if we can help answer your question(s) here.
Absentee Ballots are being mailed out! If you requested a ballot early expect it sometime this week if you haven't received it already.
If you requested a mail absentee ballot and would like to instead vote in person at the Board of Elections you are permitted and can vote a regular ballot.
If you use the Drop Box to return your ballot you do not have to affix postage.
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