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Lorain County Board of Elections
1985 North Ridge Rd. East - Lorain, OH 44055 - (440) 326-5900
Office hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone Number
Auxiliary Number
Voter Resources
Candidate Information
May 6th, 2025 Primary / Special Election
Precinct Election Official (Poll Worker) Information
All Precincts in Lorain County will be open for ballot questions and issues in the 2025 Primary / Special Election. Candidate Primaries will be held in the following municipalities:
Democratic Primary:
Republican Primary:
Amherst City
Amherst Township
Brighton Township
Camden Township/ Kipton Village
Elyria City
Henrietta Township
Huntington Township
Lorain City
New Russia Township
North Ridgeville City
Oberlin City
Penfield Township
Pittsfield Township
Rochester Township
Rochester Village
Sheffield Lake City
Sheffield Township
South Amherst Village
Wellington Township
Wellington Village
North Ridgeville City
To see all the ballot types available in your community, please see the ballot type map below